Leadership & Training Weekend
Held annually, the national headquarters offers several leadership tracks for Triangle members across every chapter over Leadership and Training Weekend (LTW), focusing on the skills and qualities of successful leaders. Alumni are also welcome to observe the program. Our chapter typically sends a cohort of 6 active brothers to the in-preson retreat. The following leadership tracks exist:
- Steven L. Miller Presidents’ Leadership Academy (SLMPLA)
- Wakerly Service-Learning Workshop
- New Member Educator Workshop
- ELEVATE Recruitment Workshop
- Finance Workshop
- Emerging Leaders Workshop
Learn more about the program on the national website: https://www.triangle.org/events/ltw/.

Herbert Scobie Leadership School
The Herbert F. Scobie Leadership School, better known as Scobie or HSLS, is a centerpiece of Triangle’s educational programs. Scobie is a three-day leadership institute held in odd-numbered summers.
Programming is geared towards Triangle’s emerging leaders and provides them with introductory leadership skills they can build upon and refine through their chapter and campus experiences. Scobie is a fun, exciting, and engaging leadership program that will allow participants to apply the curriculum to their everyday lives in the chapter, on campus and in their communities.
Learn more about the program on the national website: https://www.triangle.org/events/herbert-scobie-leadership-school/.
New Member Education
Pledges of our chapter are mentored through our New Member Development Program. The program allows new members to immediately gain leadership experience through a variety of activities and events that the pledge class develops. Learn more about the program on the national website: https://www.triangle.org/events/everymans-new-member-education/.