Community service is a crucial aspect of Triangle Fraternity, with brothers combining for hundreds of hands-on service hours each semester. Triangle is dedicated to connecting with both on-campus organizations and external organizations within the Columbus area to provide service opportunities for brothers.

FIRST Robotics
As Triangle’s national philanthropy, FIRST offers plenty of service opportunities ranging from judging at a robotics competition, mentoring a local FIRST team, and evaluating FIRST scholarships.

Pollinator Garden Planting
To celebrate Earth Week, Triangle brothers volunteer to complete a pollinator garden installation project with the City of Columbus Recreation and Parks Department.

Park Litter Cleanup
There’s no better way to contribute to a cleaner and healthier community than by volunteering to tackle out-of-control waste. Triangle brothers tackle litter at a local park in the Columbus metro.

Food Pantry Service
Food banks provide a valuable and lifesaving service to millions of people who are living in food-insecure households. Triangle supports local food banks through meaningful volunteer experiences.

Tree Planting
Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Triangle brothers work with the City of Columbus Recreation and Parks Department to plant dozens of trees at a local park in the Columbus metro.

Hackathon Judging
High School I/O aims to provide high school students an opportunity to learn about computer science in a fun single day hackathon. Triangle brothers volunteer to judge at this STEM outreach event.

Park Mulching
Columbus parks require constant attention. Volunteering to help maintain local parks is an amazing way to give back to the place we come home.

Humane Society
Columbus Humane always has work for the brothers, from loading donated pet food to creating toys for the humane society’s pets, it is always a blast volunteering with them.